Recent collaborations
Sankaa vzw
data analysis - Racism unravelled research
Towards the conclusion of their comprehensive research project concerning the lives and experiences of people of African Descent in Belgium, I assisted Sankaa with the data analysis. Since then, I have had the honour to represent this award winning organisation alongside my esteemed colleagues, Dr. Evodia Uggi and Dr. Edna Lamnteh, presenting data to Belgian universities and EU state departments.
Vives University
social work - inspiration workshop
Together with Dr. Edna Lamnteh I presented the data and methodology of Sankaa’s groundbreaking research. Our workshop aimed to help students get a broader and deeper understanding of more structural forms of social work, beyond traditional support services including strategies for addressing inequality, empowering marginalised groups, and work practices aimed at transforming the root causes of social issues.
Daria Nashat
community building - breaking the myth of race & privilege
Daria and I initially connected through LinkedIn, and once we finally had the opportunity to meet in real life, we quickly became constant cheerleaders for each other. Over the years, we have collaborated on a number of exciting initiatives. Our most notable partnership is the R&P Circle, which serves as a virtual meeting space for those individuals who find themselves at odds with the racial and privilege ideology in their everyday lives. We support, ideas and hold space for one another. You can find out more information about this initiative here.
Avansa - Oost Brabant, Leuven
De Conversaties - social experiment, decolonisation
Over the course of 6-8 months, I actively participated in a valuable initiative that was overseen by Tiny Alaerts and Philsan from Avansa, Leuven. This program provided numerous opportunities for learning and growth in relation to decolonisation in Belgium, and in particular in Flanders. Here you can find more information available in Dutch.
Artevelde Hogeschool/Ghent University
occupation therapy - inspiration workshop
This was a valuable collaboration extended to me through Sankaa vzw, an organization dedicated to social awareness and empowerment. During this partnership, Dr. Evodia Uggi and I had the opportunity to facilitate an engaging workshop that elaborated in detail on the research and data analysis methodology utilised for the Racism Unravelled project. This project aims to explore and understand the complexities surrounding racism in our society.