We are better off when we work from creativity, tapping into what we really want instead of our fears.
I will help you address and focus on what you want to create.
From coaching, training, mentoring to networking and retreat opportunities, I specifically design these interactions to stretch you and connect you to your innate leadership potential.
The time is NOW to look at your life and make it what you want it to be. I'm skilled at uncovering your hidden talents and turning them into strengths by helping you create a strategy to use them in your life, so you can enjoy living a FULL life, where you can stop judging and feeling judged because of your shortcomings. You can learn to love yourself and believe in your self.
Hyacinth is a woman who raises the value of others, restores hope and leads others to their potential.
Dr. Linda Wallace, CEO A Company of Women
"She has a deep intuition which makes her say the right things to help you further!"
Personal Development
"Hyacinth coached me to bring out more of who I truly am, she was and is there for me every step on this journey. She is an honest and dedicated coach who is there for you. She has a deep intuition which makes her say the right things to help you further! "
— Nicolette Van 't Hek, Actress, Potter, Belgium
"Going through coaching with Hycy is as powerful as giving birth... birth to an evolved form of myself, birth to that powerful being that I am, awaken[ed], enlightened by Hycy's natural, loving sustaining support. This process of transformation allows me to validate, love and release my dark aspects, acknowledge my powers and strengths and ultimately get in touch with my deep Self where I can experience LOVE and JOY for myself in the "NOW"."
- Anne "Anapurna" Squifflet, Founder of NGO, 1000Suns, Belgium
Translation: Hyacinth knows how to move you with her words. With her coaching, she knows how to discover your inner power and you’ll go through life a new person. Her coaching is worthwhile! Don’t forget that she also gives English classes to young children. Hyacinth even gets the best out of your children.
Hyacinth weet je te raken met haar woorden. Tijdens haar coaching weet zij jouw innerlijke kracht te ontdekken en ga je als een nieuw persoon door het leven. Haar coaching is de moeite waard! Niet te vergeten dat zij ook Engelse cursus geeft aan jonge kinderen. Hyacinth haalt ook het beste uit jouw kinderen.
- Melissa Tolud, Owner & CEO Mellola Jewellery
Conferences & Keynote
“What an absolute treat it was to meet Hyacinth today at the Women in Tech conference of Meet Berlage in Amsterdam. Her workshop on inner leadership was the highlight of my day, and would have still been too short had it lasted 3 or 4 hours. She has incredible people skills (and an awesome memory, remembering everyone's name), is very funny and engaging, and doesn't ever come across as preachy when she's teaching skills and knowledge. Rather she comes across as very authentic, intelligent, and kind, and she's a great instructor.”
- Wesley Pechler - Freelance Copywriter at Urban Heart
“I experienced a very inspiring workshop from Hycy Jones [How to find Your Inner Axis & Honour Your Elemental Nature]. It was a workshop were we discovered more about ourselves and each other. Such an enlightening experience! Just talking with Hycy makes you realize not only her power and strength but also that of yourself. Thank you Hycy for being the instrument you are in this world.”
— Janaki , 22, student Communication & Multimedia Design, The Netherlands
“What a speaker! Hyacinth fills the room with her positive energy and enthusiasm. She gets everyone in the room involved and is genuinely interested in the people she is coaching. She also has a great talent for remembering everyone's name! If you are looking for a speaker to inspire you or your team, Hyacinth is the person for the job!”
- Sian Cardy - Lead Engineer at Philips, The Netherlands
Leadership, Languages & Emotional Well-being
"[The students] were all very positive! They said they felt a better connection with you in 20 minutes than they do with some teachers in 3 years. They also thought you were very kind and made them feel at ease. You also spoke in a very pleasant way and took notice of them, even if they didn't always understand everything. "
- Feedback from Miss Elzinga on behalf of Sports Students at KTA Wemmel, Belgium
"They thought the presentation about London was very interesting [..] it would be nice if they could learn more about London, but I think the solution here is [for us to invite you to deliver] a 2 hours/class. One hour is just too short because [your] introduction part is very important for the students to feel comfortable. "
- Margriet Elzinga, 27 English & Dutch Teacher, KTA Wemmel, Belgium