My vision
Wellbeing, Innovation & Leadership in Education
When I went to school in the 1980’s I was taught pretty much the hero’s perspective of history from the standpoint of my British Church of England environment.
Not much was known about, nor was there much concern for the emotional well-being and leadership potential of children.
In adulthood I’ve met many teachers and schools with the intention to support and educate children to have the best life possible, which is great.
I’m convinced convicted to doing something to ensure that is possible. Well, actually not alone, that’s impossible. My consultancy Taimana Consulting is dedicated to providing training, mentoring, coaching and consultation which positively impacting the well-being and leadership competence of children, parents, educators and community leaders.
We’re having a big discussion on FB about what can be done in terms of implementing an organic international curriculum, inspiring collaboration and initiatives across the globe. Feel free to join the group: Well-being and Leadership in Education and get involved in being the change we need in the world.