Volume You™ Masterclass
Unlocking entrepreneurial spirit
This personalised coaching programme will bring clarity and newfound enthusiasm to overcome hurdles keeping you back from rebooting your career and finding purpose in your life.
Are you recovering from burnout and want to get back in the saddle but not ignore the valuable lessons learned?
Are you drifting from job to job and want to start something authentic and lucrative but are stuck on which idea to pursue?
Do you need to refocus and be held accountable on your life goals and purpose?
Are you an evening cat or an early bird? Are you a coffee or tea drinker? What messaging did you hear in childhood about money, health, career and relationships, that keeps tripping your up now? Schedule your first appointment and let’s discuss what the right way forward is gong to be for you. The first call is always complimentary.
My goal: Where I am leading? Am I clear about my goal, in my own thinking and in the way I express myself to others? For my team and me, what’s the difference between where we are and where we want to be? *source